Pirrello Enterprises, Inc. COVID-19 Position Statement

Update: March 23 2020

While it is the hope of Pirrello Enterprises, Inc. that the COVID-19 pandemic is short-lived, we wish all our clients, good health during this time. Pirrello Enterprises, Inc. would like to ensure maximum clarity in reassurances provided by our company and issue a detailed communication regarding its interim policies and actions related to the impact of COVID-19 outbreak on our clients and employees.

Because the situation is involving, Pirrello Enterprises, Inc. will update this position statement when needed.

Interacts with Clients

Security: The security and integrity of the information clients rely on us to protect and manage will continue to be a top priority. The high standard of care Pirrello Enterprises, Inc. provides in that regard will remain unchanged.

Flexibility: At this time, unless instructed or arranged otherwise at the clients discretion, we will continue to provide service as scheduled. To modify service, please contact Pirrello Enterprises office at (814) 454-7984.

Pirrello Enterprises, Inc. will make every reasonable effort to amend that schedule if requested to meet clients' needs. Should the client wish to reduce service during the outbreak, there will be no attempt to enforce contractual requirements. Service frequency or methodology may be modified at any point.

Employee/Client Interactions: We have implemented explicit policies, instruction, and training to minimize the need for interaction among clients' employees and others, including our employees adhering to the following:

Pirrello Enterprises, Inc. will continue to do its best to promptly address all inquiries and instructions. If due to staffing limitations, we cannot respond immediately, we will do so as soon as possible. We thank our clients in advance for their patience at this time.